Toy concerns

I just want to start this off with a little intro. I was born in the year 1987. Yes I’m old, I can own it ha ha. Anyway, back win I was a kid, the toys didn’t do the playing for the child, We had to use imagination to play. Now days, these toys keep getting more and more complicated. There are even toys that connect to the internet now! Please tell me I am not the only one worrying about what could happen here? I am not a parent, Nor do I claim I am an expert in this, but as an outsider looking in, this just is getting to much here.

Hello Barbie.
Hello Barbie is an interactive Barbie doll that talks with your child, using a server online. I am sorry, but that puts me off real fast. First of all, where is this server being kept? Who all has access to these recordings? Does this show the manufacturers of these toys any of the child’s info such as location and so on? How much control do the parents have win it comes to the data the doll shares with all these people at Mattel? I have been called closed minded because of my feelings on this. If being concerned about the safety of children is closed minded, oh well, call me closed minded then. If you want to see hello Barbie in action, here’s a review.

Barbie hello dream house.

Come on! You guys can’t tell me you are not jealous because this smart house is smarter than yours. ha ha! Again, my concerns come up. Not to mention it just seems to techie for kids at this age, 6 and up. Maybe I shouldn’t judge because I don’t have kids, but win I was 6, a cabbage patch kid was mostly what got my attention and kept me entertained. Sure, times are changing, but does Barbie really need a house that’s like a google home? um no, I do not think so! To see this toy in action, click this link.

any bright side to these toys?
Why yes, there is! I can think of one way these toys can help kids. If there were kids in something like play therapy, or if the kids had autism and these toys could help them learn, then by all means, go for it! But these manufacturers have to at least make sure that the toys are secure, the servers are safe, Etc. Again, I am accused of being closed minded. Well If I am closed minded because of my feelings here, then so be it. I’d rather give this to a child to use, with caution and be closed minded. All I’m saying is, these toys concern me, because I believe there are privacy problems, and I’d like to know how these manufacturers are handling the concerns of the customer.

3 replies on “Toy concerns”

Children sjall know about technology as early as possible. It was always like s, that if the parent was stupid, the child was in danger. The onlty thing that changed is the type of danger and the type of stupidity.

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