Wake up and smell the Migraine!

I have chronic migraines. I rarely talk about them in this blog, nor do I talk about it on my YouTube channel. I just don't like coming across as someone who thinks they are entitled to things, nor do I want to come across as someone who wines and complains to much either. However I do believe I need to say this, so here goes. I want to explain to you what migraines can do to me first of all, so that you can get a complete picture. Keep in mind, everyone experiences migraines differently, so what I am telling you is just my experience. Also, what may trigger me to get a migraine may not trigger others. With that said, It's hard for me to describe what a migraine feels like. Think of a headache on steroids. Then add to that sound sensitivity, (I can not see anything, including light, so I don't have light sensitivity.) Then Picture getting sick to your stomach, and dizzy, all at the same time. for me anyway, I also get Thirsty before during and a little while afterwards as well.

I am triggered by really strong smells. Like perfumes, air fresheners, Etc. I can be in a room and get a migraine from something as simple as someone with really really strong perfume walking by me. I can also go to someone's house and smell some kind of air freshener and a migraine strikes me down. Sometimes I get warnings before it hits, sometimes it just hits me so fast I can't do anything to stop it and I have to take meds and go hide in a room somewhere with soft nature sounds playing. I can not stand a quiet room at all, I have to have something playing in the background. But then, there are times win I have got to stay in the same room as the strong smell, like at a doctor's office. I had a doctor's appointment on March 2, and I had to wait in the waiting room. I smelled this really really really strong perfume smell. I mean it smelled like the whole room was bathed with something vanilla. I was forced to stay there until I was called on, and the more I stayed there, The worse the migraine got. I felt trapped, I couldn't leave and miss my appointment, I new that, But I also knew if I kept breathing this stuff in I'd have a migraine for at least three or more days. In the end, I really didn't have a choice, I had to wait until I was called. They did call me after what felt like forever, and man was I glad to get out of that room! It's hard to get people to see that a migraine is not the worst headache ever, it's way more than that. I told the receptionists at the doctor's office what was going on as we were leaving, and one of them kind of snapped at me saying "It's cleaning products, There is nothing we can do." It wasn't what she said, it was the tone of voice used. This is my opinion but medical facilities should not be aloud to use strong smelling things like cleaning products, air fresheners, Etc. This is speculation but I am wondering if later on, we find out strong smells like that are cancer causing? It could not be good for our lungs Etc to keep breathing strong smells like that. I often wonder what type of chemicals are in things like that. In my opinion they should make laws to control smells like that. There should be laws against medical facilities using any type of strong perfumes/air fresheners. With laws like this in place it will not only benefit people with migraines, but it will benefit those with breathing problems, Etc.

So how can you help someone with a migraine? Mostly just be understanding. If I make plans to see you or voice chat, please understand there may be times I may have to back out. This is why I don't like making plans ahead of time. I never know when one strikes me, especially if it is going to rain Etc. Feel free to ask me how I'm doing, but do not be surprised if I don't use the predictable answer of "I'm fine thank you." If I say I am fine with a migraine that's a lie that I can not say with a clear conscience. Please understand if I ask you to step away from me because a perfume you are wearing is making me get a bad migraine. I don't mean to be rude at all, I understand you may not realize just how strong the perfume can be.

So what am I hoping to accomplish with this essay/post? Well, I am hoping that this could help non migraine sufferers to understand just what it feels like to have one. I also hope this can make people more self aware of what they can do to help people like me. I hope you get something out of this.

to talk about my migraines or not?

I have had a YouTube channel for awhile now. It originally started out as a place for uploading covers, but has morphed in to a place to upload covers/live performances and sometimes even just me stating my opinions on things. This is why the channel was called CM music because of the covers/live performances aspect. My question is, should I talk in depth about my chronic migraines? Or will that come across as whining and complaining? see, there is a fine line there. I want to vent some times. I want to educate some times, but I do not want to come across as someone who whines a lot. What should I do? Yes, I have mentioned my migraines in passing, but I have never did a complete video on them. Not sure what I should do. I want to be real for all my subscribers, but I don't want to push anyone away either. Help please?

How to keep up with my YouTube channel.

To keep up with my YouTube channel like/follow this Facebook page. you can also message me there as well. Although right now I probably won't be responding to anyone due to a severe migraine.


smart watch dilemma

I am planning on getting a smart watch in the near future. I'm thinking very strongly of getting the samsung galaxy active two. That part is clear to me. What isn't, is the version I should get. I like the idea of the LTE one because there are times when I turn my phone off, and with this watch my family could still contact me. I don't like the price, however. I did some research and this watch is about $400. I don't know if I want to spend that much. The bluetooth version is about $200. Cheaper, but I don't have a phone if my phone is off. I just can not decide what one to get at this point. It does not help that it's raining here and causing my head to pound either. Ug, decisions decisions.

Letter to Emgality makers

This is a letter to the maker of one of my migraine medocations.

I have been using Emgality for awhile now and I have a complaint. In all your advertisements you make Emgality seem like a cure all for all migraines. This is not the case at all. Sure it helps with the odd migraine that has no cause, but I get them when the weather changes and when it rains. I also get them from strong odors. Emgality does not help with this at all! I feel like you are giving some of us false hope, then when it doesn't work because of rain or weather related migraine and for the ones triggered by smell, our hope is bashed. I thought that I could finely get rid of the migraines, finely this would be behind me. No, that is not the case. I am still knocked on my butt with a really bad migraine when it rains Etc and if I smell strong odors. It's as if I am not taking a preventative at all! This is not what your advertisements claim. Also the narrator says something a long the lines of: "do you fight through a migraine?" um, have you guys even had a migraine? I don't know about the rest of the migraine sufferers of the world, but I can not "fight through a migraine." Once one hits I'm done. I have to go curl up and stay away from people. Please stop acting like Emgality is the cure all. It may be for some people, but it is not for me. You have failed me to be honest. And for god's sake! Stop acting like a migraine is just a headache that people can just fight off, because for me at least I can't just shrug it off and move on, I either have to go curl up in bed, or be Miserable the whole time I am dealing with the migraine. I apologize if this comes across as harsh, but I am really frustrated. I have things I'd love to do, but I have been dealing with migraines a lot lately due to rain and I am getting really frustrated here. I sing, I even have a YouTube channel, but I have not been able to upload much because of these migraines. Just please reconsider your marketing tactics, okay?

audio post of YouTube video, PSA Please stay home!

Latest YouTube video PSA please stay home!

Okay This is a very important video to me. With everyything that has been going on with this virus I am shaken up badly. I mearly lost my mother to flue A. I mean she was on a vent and everything! She has heart problems and COPD. Mom and I are not just mother and child, we are best friends. This is why I am so worried. Here's the link.

getting annoyed.

For some reason Eltin keeps coming up with this not responding thing. I have no clue why, but I may have to take a break for awhile. I love this place, I hate that it keeps mesing up. ug… This may look funny. My head feels like it's gonna pop off and I am just writing this straight out, no edditing nothing.

Why did I switch to android?

why did I switch to android?
I get that question a lot, more so from friends who use IOS. Keep in mind I am not bashing apple at all, I'm still thinking about getting an iPod in the future, May even get a mac as well. The reason why I switched is because apple is just to boxed in for me. With android you can customized way more. From the way the phone is laid out by picking a different launcher, to the text to speech voices you can use, to the screen reader you want to use. Yes it does have a little bit of a learning curve, but I picked it up and learned it in an hour. Android has a bad reputation. Heck I was even one of those who believed it, until I tried it on a newer phone, then I fell in love with it. I never follow the crowd. I do/use things because I want to, bot because others do/use them. It drives people crazy, but I'm proud of the fact I am unique. I am glad I don't blend in. If anyone has any questions about android feel free to ask. I may not know everything, but I'll do my best to help where I can. Let's try to help google shake this bad reputation!

how to advertise eltin.

so I have been thinking about how we can advertise Eltin to get more users. One thing I have thought of is connecting it to twitter so that threads and stuff can be tweeted. The bad thing about that is that I don't know how twitter API works. You could also let us share links by copying it to the clipboard and pasting it in to the twitter client we use. Also we could have an app for android to. All though again I don't know just how that will work because I don't know how making apps works. You're talking to someone who is not a PC whiz, no matter what anyone says lol. Just saying my thoughts here. Sorry for spelling mistakes.
