gonna get heck for saying this, but,I feel as if I am being forced to donate to ELTEN

I feel as if I am being forced to donate to ELTEN. I updated it on the PC side of things, and I have this dialog that comes up win I open it, and it refuses to go away. here’s what it says.
Dear Users!
This project cannot exist without your support, including financial one. Therefore, we kindly ask you to help us to pay for the server for 2021.
The required amount is 5000 PLN (about 1150 eur), and as of July 13th we have collected exactly 1131,62 PLN (about 250 eur). Thank you very much for all your support, but it is still only about a quarter of the cost.
We would also like to establish a foundation, an institution that will be able to manage Elten, apply for funding from Polish Government and represent the interests of the community. However, the establishment of such an institution is not free of charge. It would be ideal to establish a foundation at the same time and pay for the server from the founding fund, which would minimize costs. However, this would be possible only if we collected the necessary amount by the end of August.
Therefore, we ask all users to support this program, for which we thank you very much in advance.
Below you will find the information needed to perform the international transfer. At the same time, I invite you to follow the status of the collection on the forum "Elten Network". (group "Elten Development") in the thread "Financing for 2021".
To continue, press 3.

David Pieper
Krasickiego 5 street,
84-239, Bolszewo, Poland
IBAN (international) Account number:
PL24 1140 2004 0000 3802 8001 0021
Skrytka pocztowa 2108, 90-959 Lódz 2
SORT CODE: 11402004
Yes, I pressed three like I was instructed to do, the program just closes out.
Okay, first of all, I do not mind donating. That’s not my problem. My problem is, that it will not let me on my account. It keeps bringing up this dialog I just showed you. I can not donate at this time, so I guess I’m not wanted on this network at all. Okay, be that way, that’s fine. Yes I can use the portable one, like I am now, but it’s the principal of it. Am I over reacting? probably. But it makes me feel bad win I get on a program, but I’m locked out because I can’t donate. It feels as if you guys are saying I’m not good enough to be on the network because I can’t donate. ahh well, guess I’ll be uninstalling this thing, no need to keep something that doesn’t work. Again, not saying they should not ask for donations. Nor am I trying to say this should be for free. God knows that servers and so on are not cheap. But to lock someone out of their account like this, and all but demand a donation puts a bad taste in my mouth. I am done. This is the last post on this blog. I can not get rid of my account, but I can and will be uninstalling this program. I’m really disappointed. I thought this would be cool. Anyway, there’s no changing my mind now. not at all. It sucks really, I made some cool friends here. I don’t add people to FB I don’t know, sorry.

deep in thought, again! argh!

okay so I am deep in thought, again! why is it win I feel meh my brain goes "Let’s just go on over drive! weeee!" I talked about leaving Eltin, but I honestly don’t know if I will or not. How can I bug you all and drive you crazy if I leave? Besides, if I leave, I’m letting this darn program beat me, and there is no way! that is gonna happen. So yes, I am deep in thought. I had a bad migraine today, so I should be resting. key word, should. but nope, my mind is going 90 miles a freaken hour. argh!

Leaving ELTIN.

I am leaving Eltin. I have had nothing but trouble out of it from the start. Please keep in mind, I am not bashing anyone, I am just stating facts and my experiences. If you have a twitter feel free to contact me, I’ll give you the link to my twitter profile. I’ll be deleting my account Friday, so you won’t have much time to contact me. I’m sorry, I don’t know if it’s the computer or this program, but I can not deal with it crashing constently like this

Latest cover, God Bless America

Making another twitter for my YouTube channel?

I am thinking of making a separate twitter account for my YouTube channel. I think you can use a phone number to verify you are not a robot and then connect it back to the twitter you you want it to be connected to. There are a few things holding me back though.

I use a service called ITTT to post things to my personal account, like quotes from brainy quote Etc. Can I still use this on my personal account if I use it on my account for my channel? Will it post to both at once? What if I want some things to post to my personal account, and some things to post to the YouTube channel account? Can I do this?

Keeping up.
How am I going to keep up with both accounts? I don’t know if I can reply to everyone all the time. Do I just let replies and such come in with out worrying about replying? Does the official twitter app for android support more than one account? Or do I just use tweetings? So many questions, not enough answers. Guess I may try sleeping on it tonight, talk to my Mom AKA my Momiger to see what her take is going to be.

Thanking audio book narrators?

I have been dealing with migraines for awhile now due to rain. I have found that audio books and music have helped me a lot. win I listen to audio books, it’s as if I am being read to. My question is, have the narrators ever been thanked? I do not mean paid, I’m unsure if they even get a lot of money to do this in the first place, but let’s take money out of the picture, even though that is important, but I’m talking about being thanked here. Do people even think about what time they put in to this? It’s not like they can sit down and read these books in one go, it takes time. Not to mention that they have to put emotion in what they read. Not only that, but if the narrator is moved by the book they are reading, if it hits to close to home for them, they still have to do it, with out showing the emotions that it may bring up. I would like to find a way to thank them somehow, but I don’t even know where to start. Does anyone have any ideas? Could I type in my favorite narrator(s) on facebook or twitter and see if they have a page? I won’t bother them if they have a personal profile only, I don’t want to freak anyone out here. Any help would be great.

I am starting a separate blog for my YouTube channel, and this is why

I am going to start a separate blog for my YouTube channel. I do have a method to my madness. I want to do this so that people who want to just read my thoughts and so on can do that, and if people want to read updates about my YouTube channel they can do that. It will be easier for people to keep up with. You can argue I can get a website for this, but 1, I don’t have the funds to keep it going and 2, I would like to use WordPress/Eltin so I can practice HTML Etc. This is the best way to do this, at least until I get a website. on WordPress I can reach more people, I think. If I have a dedicated blog for my YouTube channel, It’s less clutter for those who just want to keep up with things related to that. And yes, you can run more than one blog on WordPress/eltin. Sorry this is so short, but I am dealing with a migraine because of a skunk spraying outside my window last night. The little jerk!

a haunting song. Reader discretion is advised.

Please note, Reader discretion is advised here, there could be something that might upset/trigger people.

I have been doing a lot of research about Michael Jackson’s death lately. I know it’s old news, but this story is so out there, there has to be things I am missing. Well I was watching a documentary about his death and I decided to look at the YouTube comments. Someone said there was a song by him called "Morphine." that we should check it out and I did. Oh my god that song is so haunting! It’s almost as if he was predicting his death. If you look at the words you can tell he was either one, trying to warn us about what could happen, or two, crying out for help and no one knew it. I do not claim to be a fan, but I do feel sorry for him because of what he went through.

Trust in… who?
The song starts out fast, and it seems like you could really jam to it. However, the Chorus says,
Trust in me
Trust in me
Put all your trust in me
You’re doing morphine.
there is two ways to take this. Win he says "Trust in me" he could either be saying, trust the drug, or trust the doctor giving you the drug. In any case, it’s really haunting to me.

predicting his death?
As the song goes on, it still seems like a jamming song, until it gets to the bridge. Then it slows down, and he sings,
This won’t hurt you
Before I put it in
Close your eyes and count to ten
Don’t cry
I won’t convert you
There’s no need to dismay
Close your eyes and drift away
Oh God he’s taking Demerol
Oh God he’s taking Demerol
He’s tried
Hard to convince her
To be over what he had
Today he wants it twice as bad
Don’t cry
I won’t resent you
Yesterday you had his trust
Today he’s taking twice as much
Oh God he’s taking Demerol
Oh my Oh God it’s Demerol
Here’s the most haunting part of this song. This song was recorded in 1997. Back then we may have known he had drug problems, but I don’t think we knew for sure just how bad it was, or at least I didn’t.
In 2009 win he died, it has been revealed that he did take Demerol, all though, it was not in his system win he died. Could he have been predicting his death? You could say that Demerol did not, in fact kill him, but it has been proven that this drug can cause problems with your heart and lungs, and MR. Jackson did have lung and heart problems, I think.

This song may not mean a thing, maybe it’s just a song that MR. Jackson made using his life experience to draw from, but at the same time, Listen to the words, but not just the words, listen to his voice as he sings this song. He sounds angry, sad, and hurt. I honestly think he was calling out for help in 1997, and no one heard him. Either that or people heard him and didn’t care. I can not help but think, what if someone did hear him? What if he could get the help me needed? He may still be alive today. Like I said, I am not a huge fan, but there have been songs of his that grab me and pull me in, and "Morphine" is one of them.

If you want to hear the song morphine, go here.

If you want to read the lyrics of the song go here.

Toy concerns

I just want to start this off with a little intro. I was born in the year 1987. Yes I’m old, I can own it ha ha. Anyway, back win I was a kid, the toys didn’t do the playing for the child, We had to use imagination to play. Now days, these toys keep getting more and more complicated. There are even toys that connect to the internet now! Please tell me I am not the only one worrying about what could happen here? I am not a parent, Nor do I claim I am an expert in this, but as an outsider looking in, this just is getting to much here.

Hello Barbie.
Hello Barbie is an interactive Barbie doll that talks with your child, using a server online. I am sorry, but that puts me off real fast. First of all, where is this server being kept? Who all has access to these recordings? Does this show the manufacturers of these toys any of the child’s info such as location and so on? How much control do the parents have win it comes to the data the doll shares with all these people at Mattel? I have been called closed minded because of my feelings on this. If being concerned about the safety of children is closed minded, oh well, call me closed minded then. If you want to see hello Barbie in action, here’s a review.

Barbie hello dream house.

Come on! You guys can’t tell me you are not jealous because this smart house is smarter than yours. ha ha! Again, my concerns come up. Not to mention it just seems to techie for kids at this age, 6 and up. Maybe I shouldn’t judge because I don’t have kids, but win I was 6, a cabbage patch kid was mostly what got my attention and kept me entertained. Sure, times are changing, but does Barbie really need a house that’s like a google home? um no, I do not think so! To see this toy in action, click this link.

any bright side to these toys?
Why yes, there is! I can think of one way these toys can help kids. If there were kids in something like play therapy, or if the kids had autism and these toys could help them learn, then by all means, go for it! But these manufacturers have to at least make sure that the toys are secure, the servers are safe, Etc. Again, I am accused of being closed minded. Well If I am closed minded because of my feelings here, then so be it. I’d rather give this to a child to use, with caution and be closed minded. All I’m saying is, these toys concern me, because I believe there are privacy problems, and I’d like to know how these manufacturers are handling the concerns of the customer.

I am doing a review on Emgality.

I’m doing a review on Emgality (SP?) for my YouTube channel. I just want to explain what it is and how it helps me. My problem is, I can not show the self injector because I am blind, and blindness and taking a photo or video does not get along. I use a web site called tunes to tube to upload .mp3 files to YouTube. It creates a back ground image with the name of the file. You can use photos to do this to, but again, I can’t see photos so no, that will not work. I wouldn’t want to put something up just to find out the photo is not what I wanted to use lol. I am thinking of funny scenarios here. Yes, I have family and friends who have working eyes, I just want to be as independent as I can be, so I explore all options. I have been called stuck up for that because I don’t just ask for help. Sorry, I just want to try to get over the obstacle on my own first, before I ask for help. Anyway, off topic sorry. Anyway,How do I describe the self injector so people get it? To me, it looks like an over sized writing pin. Is that a good description? Thanks for any advice you all may have to offer.
