where is the beginning exactly?

so I am planning on doing a demonstration of NVDA. This is a free screen reader for windows. It reads me the screen using text to speech. I am going to upload it to my YouTube channel. Here’s the problem. I have no idea where to start. Yes you could say start at the beginning, but where is that? What do I show first? I really do not want to uninstall this, and then reinstall it to show people how, because I honestly have it just where I like it, and really don’t want to lose my settings. Gosh, that sounds selfish. I’m sorry. So, where do I start first? I’m not good at this honestly, I know a few people who could probably do better at this, but I am willing to give it a shot, because I love teaching people how things work. Maybe I can help someone, at least a little bit.

I am unsure what to do and this is really bothering me.

I am unsure what to do here. There are times win I get migraines bad enough that my screen reader actually physically hurts me. However there are times win I get comments on my YouTube videos or on my facebook page that corresponds with it, and I am hiding from social media and I don’t get the comments for a few days. My question is, should I explain this every time this happens? because I don’t want to ignore anyone, I am not that type. I want people to understand why I am gone. Yes I did say that social media has gone to far sometimes, but that does not mean I want people thinking I am ignoring them or shrugging them off. What do I do? please, help me someone because this is really bothering me. No, my channel/facebook page is not a job, but it is really important to me.

Latest cover Down to the river to pray with Nature sounds. My thanks to Jack Falejczyk for helping me mix/mastering this cover.

should I keep doing what I am doing?

So I have been uploading audio posts of the things I have been putting up on YouTube. Would you guys like me to keep doing this? Or should I stop and let you go to my channel? Thoughts please?

My YouTube channel name is changing and this is why audio post.

My YouTube channel name is changing and this is why.

As you all know my YouTube channel is called CM music. I am planning on changing it to just my initials and this is why. I don’t know about anyone else but my screen reader calls my channel centimeters music. That drives me nuts! Not to mention my profile name on my phone is CM, so it is also read Centimeters. So I have been thinking about this for awhile, and I am thinking it may be a good idea to change my channel to CMP. These are my initials. This is going to accomplish two things. One, I will not be called centimeters anymore, and my profile name on my phone/google will be read right. And two, I will not be misleading anyone because my channel is not all about music anymore. It started out like that, but now it has morphed in to a channel that is not just music, I talk a lot on there as well. So basically I am killing two or maybe even three birds with one stone. I am unsure wen the channel name will be changed for sure, because I need to figure out what to do about my facebook page that corresponds with it. Obviously I need to change the name of the page as well, but will changing the name cause problems with the link I already have up on my channel? Or does the link stay the same? I don’t have a paid link or anything, but I am unsure how to keep things from breaking badly. Can anyone who runs a facebook page shine a light on this? Thanks for any help you guys may have to offer.
