This is a letter to the maker of one of my migraine medocations.
I have been using Emgality for awhile now and I have a complaint. In all your advertisements you make Emgality seem like a cure all for all migraines. This is not the case at all. Sure it helps with the odd migraine that has no cause, but I get them when the weather changes and when it rains. I also get them from strong odors. Emgality does not help with this at all! I feel like you are giving some of us false hope, then when it doesn't work because of rain or weather related migraine and for the ones triggered by smell, our hope is bashed. I thought that I could finely get rid of the migraines, finely this would be behind me. No, that is not the case. I am still knocked on my butt with a really bad migraine when it rains Etc and if I smell strong odors. It's as if I am not taking a preventative at all! This is not what your advertisements claim. Also the narrator says something a long the lines of: "do you fight through a migraine?" um, have you guys even had a migraine? I don't know about the rest of the migraine sufferers of the world, but I can not "fight through a migraine." Once one hits I'm done. I have to go curl up and stay away from people. Please stop acting like Emgality is the cure all. It may be for some people, but it is not for me. You have failed me to be honest. And for god's sake! Stop acting like a migraine is just a headache that people can just fight off, because for me at least I can't just shrug it off and move on, I either have to go curl up in bed, or be Miserable the whole time I am dealing with the migraine. I apologize if this comes across as harsh, but I am really frustrated. I have things I'd love to do, but I have been dealing with migraines a lot lately due to rain and I am getting really frustrated here. I sing, I even have a YouTube channel, but I have not been able to upload much because of these migraines. Just please reconsider your marketing tactics, okay?
2 replies on “Letter to Emgality makers”
I am sorry about your situation. I hope that things get beter.
Your letter reminds me of those who talk about blind people but have never experienced what it is like, living without sight!